Great News! We have released StenoCAT 8.1, and it's now available to all StenoCAT subscribers! The new version will replace all previous versions that will reach their End of Life soon.

Here are a few of the new items you'll find in Version 8.1:

  • New and improved User Interface (larger icons, editor combined with explorer, new training videos)
  • Spellcheck while editing
  • Redaction for completed transcripts
  • Condensed printing font style selections preserved
  • Schedule support callbacks from your StenoCAT Help menu
  • You will now see our new logo when you look inside!


The StenoCAT Users Network shall become the leader in the information technology profession by promoting professionalism, camaraderie, and exchange of knowledge within the stenographic court reporting profession.

StenoCAT Users Network

P.O. Box 30746

Walnut Creek, CA  94598

949.329.8510 (call or text)


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